Photo Tex

Photo Tex

Re-movable, Re-usable, Re-positionable Printable Fabric

Photo Tex is a patented, adhesive media fabric paper that can be easily placed almost anywhere in any condition and then removed and reused as desired. Photo-Tex adhesive will not leave a sticky residue against 99% of any surface when removed. It can be placed in all weather conditions and it will not shrink or curl like vinyl. I won’t rip or wrinkle and can be pulled apart if it folds over during installation. It can be illuminated with a backlight, wrapped around wall corners, ceilings and poles, repositioned and used over and over again and the adhesive never weakens. You can even paint on the material or make custom cut-outs as you can kiss-cut (contour-cut) the material. This material has been used in photography (reproduce any picture, create sports action shots, artwork murals, etc.) wallpaper borders, corporate advertising, signs, posters, department store ads, elevators door coverings, racecars, window signs, and more. There are endless opportunities with any flat surface.

Creating New Walls with Photo Tex Removable Adhesive Fabric